Before You Detox – Be Prepared For These Sugar Detox Symptoms
When you decide to cut the sugar out of your diet, you may go through quite the withdrawal. Before you jump in cold turkey, let’s take a look at some of the detox symptoms you can expect over the coming days. When you know what’s coming, that it’s normal and most importantly that it will only last for a few days, it is much easier to make it through this tough transition period of detoxing from your sugar habit.
Intense Cravings
The first thing you’ll notice is that you start to crave sugary treats. It starts out with you thinking that a cookie would be nice. Then the cravings get worse until you’re ready to do just about anything for a sweet treat. Your best bet is to get anything sweet out of the house before you start to crave and cave.
Mood Swings and Tiredness
Don’t be surprised to go from “I can do this” to “no way” in a matter of minutes. Mood swings, crankiness and even feelings like all you want to do is nap are not uncommon as your body starts to detox from the sugar.
Distract yourself. Call a friend, watch a movie, or go take nap. Do whatever it takes to make it through these few days of sugar detox. Remember that no matter how crappy you feel, this won’t last long.
Sugar has quite the effect on the brain, as does detoxing from it. It’s not uncommon to have a headache as your body gets used to running without the sugar. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Some black coffee or an aspirin will help as well.
If you are getting nauseous in addition to having the headache, try drinking some unsweetened peppermint tea.
Joint and Body Aches
Some people experience flu-like symptoms including joint and body aches. It’s your body going through the sugar withdrawal. Try drinking some warm chicken broth or take a hot bath in Epsom salt. The symptoms could be caused by an electrolyte imbalance and both of those will help. Some people swear by drinking some pickle juice to get rid of the aches.
Shakes and Chills
Last but not least you could experiences shakes and chills. It may feel like a fever or you’re coming down with some nasty bug, but again, it’s just sugar withdrawal symptoms. Crawl in the bed and sleep through the worst of it if you can. By the time you wake up you’ll be through most of it.
Above all, don’t let these symptoms scare you away from giving a sugar detox a try. Chances are you won’t experience all of these and many symptoms won’t be very severe. Above all keep in mind that this will only last for a few days and you’ll come out of it without the sugar cravings and with a chance for a much healthier diet and lifestyle.
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