What Is the Master Cleanse and Is It Right for You?
This diet has many other names as well. You may have heard it referred to as the lemonade diet, the maple syrup diet, the cayenne pepper diet or even the Beyonce diet. Whichever one you decide to call it, they all produce the same results – a rapid weight loss. While many people are looking for that quick loss, it doesn’t mean this is the right program for you.
This diet was first introduced way back in the 1940s by alternative health practitioner Stanley Burroughs and later ‘reintroduced’ by Peter Glickman in his book Lose Weight, Have More Energy & Be Happier in 10 Days.
It’s questionable whether this is technically a diet. Many people call it a fast because of the nature of it. You won’t be eating any foods but instead drinking a mixture of lemon juice, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper several times a day. Here is a recipe for the mixture:
1 serving size
- 10 ounces pure filtered water (you can’t use bottled water. It must be pure filtered)
- 2 tablespoons grade B organic maple syrup, formaldehyde-free
- 2 tablespoons organic lemon juice freshly squeezed (do not use concentrated lemon juice)
- 1/10 teaspoon cayenne pepper
Now that you know more about the Master Cleanse, the question remains – is it right for you? Take the quiz below to find out.
Take the Quiz!
Rate each of the following statements. One meaning I don’t feel that way at all. Five being I totally feel that way!
I need to lose weight quickly.
1 2 3 4 5
I can go without food and only drink a mixture.
1 2 3 4 5
My body needs to be rid of harmful toxins.
1 2 3 4 5
I am determined and willing to drink a nasty tasting mixture.
1 2 3 4 5
I am ready to commit 10 days to do the cleanse which is the recommended amount of time to follow the program.
1 2 3 4 5
Scoring – Total up your numbers.
If you scored a 20-25 points this is definitely right for you and you’re ready to do it. You’ve got the drive and determination to make this work.
If you scored 15-19 points you probably think you want to follow the master cleanse but may find that you lack the commitment to do it on a daily basis. You’ll need to remind yourself often of the reasons that you made the choice in the first place.
If you scored 14 or fewer points you are probably not ready to follow the 10 day program. That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t – but it does mean that you need to give it a lot of consideration. Not everyone has a strong desire to follow this detoxification process but most would agree that there are definite benefits to doing it. It’s not easy and it tastes icky but the benefits you’ll reap are well worth it. If you do decide this is right for you, one thing you need to keep in mind is that you have to come off it slowly. Don’t reintroduce food back into your diet all at once. Start with easily digestible things like saltine crackers and soup, and work your way back into a normal diet. And as with any diet, be sure to clear it with your doctor first.
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