Should You Join Jenny Craig?
It’s not an exaggeration to say that the weight loss industry brings in billions of dollars every year. People are always willing to spend their hard-earned money on the next best diet program. When it comes to weight loss programs, there’s the less expensive like Slim Fast or the more expensive like Jenny Craig.
Jenny Craig is one of the top weight loss programs, having been around since 1983 when it started in Australia. It wasn’t introduced to the United States until 1985. It’s also one of the more expensive programs out there so you have to really think long and hard as to whether it’s right for you or not. So how can you know if Jenny Craig is right for you?
Take the Quiz!
Rate each of the following statements. One meaning I don’t feel that way at all. Five being I totally feel that way!
I’m sick and tired of being unhealthy and overweight and am ready to take action to lose weight.
1 2 3 4 5
I believe that I’m the only person that can make the decision to change my eating habits.
1 2 3 4 5
I believe my health is not only important to me but to my family too so I can live a longer life and be around for them.
1 2 3 4 5
I can afford to spend about $500 to $600 a month for the meals and snacks on the Jenny Craig weight loss program.
1 2 3 4 5
I need a structured weight loss program where the meals are provided for me.
1 2 3 4 5
Scoring – Total up your numbers.
If you scored a 20-25 points you should definitely join Jenny Craig! You’ve got the heart for it and are ready to make not only the financial commitment but the commitment to stick with the program.
If you scored 15-19 points you probably want to spend some more time thinking about joining the program. You may find that you lack the conviction right now to stick to it on a daily basis. You’ll need to remind yourself often of the reasons that you made the choice in the first place.
If you scored 14 or fewer points you may not be cut out for Jenny Craig. That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t join – but it does mean that you need to give it a lot of consideration.
Not everybody has the motivation or the financial means to join the Jenny Craig weight loss program. While most people would agree that there is a huge benefit to it, it doesn’t always work out and it’s certainly not easy. It’s really important that you take the time to think about whether this is the right choice for you. You need to make sure you’re ready to fork over a large amount of cash each and every month and make sure you’re ready to give up regular food and eat only what is provided to you via their program.
If you feel like this is the best option for you, keep in mind it’s not a lifelong commitment. You can always decide to try another program later on down the road if you don’t end up liking Jenny Craig or it gets to be too much of a financial burden. There are many options out there!
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